No. 1 Jinzhu Road, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550081, ChinaVer detalhes do hotel
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2513 avaliação
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Agradável e bem localizado4.8
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Lingdong Elegant Double Bed Room
Hospedou-se em abr 2024
28 avaliação
Publicado em 13 abr 2024
The hotel entrance smelt heavenly ,it was clean and the hotel staff were friendly .The check in process was smooth and swift .The room was spacious ,clean and the bed was comfortable .The hotel offers a delicious buffet ,and hotel guests get a discount .There is seafood ,meat ,sides and dessert .A special thank you to Cissie Yang ,she left a cute birthday note to me .I would definitely come back .
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您下榻貴陽新世界酒店並在此給予我們好評。【住店超值旅拍】遇見您,邂逅美好,旅途路上,總有不期而遇的温暖,總有不變得真心期待您的入住,總有家人般的關懷用心,總有一羣美麗的鮮花期待着您的回家。非常感謝你百忙之中抽出時間給我們留下寶貴的評論,真誠期待與您的再次重逢,成為您的貴陽之家是我們最真誠的心願!祝您身體健康,萬事如意!
Superior Room (2 Beds)
Hospedou-se em set 2024
7 avaliação
Publicado em 14 out 2024
Good facilities and service. Very good restaurant downstairs.
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的貴客,非常感謝您寶貴的評價,很高興瞭解到您在貴陽新世界酒店享受到了舒適的入住體驗並再次感激您對我們同事服務的認可.貴陽新世界在城市中心覓得一片寧靜綠洲,將極富歷史韻味的築城風光盡收眼底。與此同時,我們致力於追求細節完美卻又不露痕跡的貼心服務,為您營造出置身於世外桃源般的入住體驗。期待您再次光臨。
Usuário convidado
Quarto duplo superior
Hospedou-se em out 2023
16 avaliação
Publicado em 14 out 2023
Nothing but best hotel I ever experienced.
The buffet is fully load with temptation , cut fat at this moment is not in my list anymore.The room is clean and spacious,not to mention the service is very friendly and helpful....
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您下榻貴陽新世界酒店並在此給予我們好評。【住店超值旅拍】遇見您,邂逅美好,旅途路上,總有不期而遇的温暖,總有不變得真心期待您的入住,總有家人般的關懷用心,總有一羣美麗的鮮花期待着您的回家。非常感謝你百忙之中抽出時間給我們留下寶貴的評論,真誠期待與您的再次重逢,成為您的貴陽之家是我們最真誠的心願!祝您身體健康,萬事如意!
Usuário convidado
Quarto duplo superior
Hospedou-se em set 2024
Viaje com amigos
4 avaliação
Publicado em 25 set 2024
Great amenities and lovely spacious rooms
Resposta da propriedade: Dear guest, thank you for choosing to stay at Guiyang New World Hotel and taking the time to share your stay experience with us. [2.3 kilometers away from Guanshanhu Park] I chose it because I liked it and stayed there for the sake of suitability. We are glad that you have chosen us, and we also appreciate your affirmation of us~ Thank you again for sharing. Looking forward to meeting you again!
Quarto deluxe duplo
Hospedou-se em dez 2022
Viaje com amigos
14 avaliação
Publicado em 6 dez 2022
I stayed at the New World Guiyang for my friends birthday, even though I live in Guiyang. I was not disappointed.
When I arrived the staff was quite friendly and welcoming, best of all, there was someone there that spoke English, which I think is very important.
The check-in process was seamless and easy to do. The staff explained everything well and the process went by smoothly.
I got my room card and the concierge took my bag and showed me to my room.
The room was clean and smelled fresh, the bed was well made and had a beautifully hand crafted welcome note that was a nice touch. I was also given flowers with a heartfelt note. I was so appreciative of this.
The hotel had a gym, sauna, swimming pool and hot tub, which I took full advantage of. The spaces were clean, and I love when I walk into a space and its clean and welcoming.
We had dinner in the Buffet Hall, there were a wide variety of foods that catered to all the guests alike. Breakfast the next day was also an experience to remember.\
Overall this hotel was a great stay for me, from the staff being so welcoming to the food being so delicious. Its inexpensive and I believe its worth the price.
Thank you for a wonderful stay! 新世界贵阳辛苦了!
Resposta da propriedade: Dear Guest, thank you for selecting New World Guiyang Hotel and sharing your staying experience with us. Your satisfaction is what motivates and encourages us. We will continue to provide our best services and looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Usuário convidado
Suite Júnior
Hospedou-se em fev 2022
6 avaliação
Publicado em 16 fev 2022
The first highlight is the beautiful services I’ve received here, the staff is so helpful and willing to go out of their way to give you the best services. Their rooms are clean and spacious. The food is absolutely delicious, I took takeouts 😅😀early check in (12:00) and late check out (16:00)
Oh it’s so beautiful.
Resposta da propriedade: Dear Guest, thank you for selecting New World Guiyang Hotel and sharing your staying experience with us. Your satisfaction is what motivates and encourages us. We will continue to provide our best services and looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您選擇入住貴陽恆世紀酒店並與我們分享您愉快的入住體驗。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】您的認可是對我們最大的鼓舞,酒店全體同事將一如既往秉承服務至上的原則,為客人提供貼心、周到的服務。酒店健身中心配備的室內恆温泳池,為玻璃穹頂及全景落地窗設計,視野寬闊,水温適宜,十分開心小朋友能夠喜歡。再次感謝您對我們酒店的支持,期待您及家人下次光臨!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人,感謝您花費寶貴的時間與我們分享本次入住體驗。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】很抱歉沒有給您帶來完美的體驗,關於您反饋的問題,酒店已經聯繫相關部門反饋,客人的便利是酒店努力的方向,希望下次可以給您更好的體驗,祝您生活愉快工作順利。
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您下榻貴陽恆世紀酒店並在此給予我們好評。一見鍾情看的是外表,再見傾心看的是內在。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】,好的性價比是讓您一再光顧的理由,我們會繼續做好自身的服務,也希望您能繼續支持我們~您的滿意是對我們最大的肯定,我們將繼續努力為每一位客人創造温馨、舒適的入住體驗,衷心希望在不久的將來能與您再次見面,祝您一切順利!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您下榻貴陽恆世紀酒店並在此給予我們好評。一見鍾情看的是外表,再見傾心看的是內在。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】,好的性價比是讓您一再光顧的理由,我們會繼續做好自身的服務,也希望您能繼續支持我們~您的滿意是對我們最大的肯定,我們將繼續努力為每一位客人創造温馨、舒適的入住體驗,衷心希望在不久的將來能與您再次見面,祝您一切順利!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您花費寶貴的時間與我們分享本次入住體驗。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】酒店位於貴陽市觀山湖區,毗鄰觀山湖公園、閲山湖公園、貴陽市行政中心、國際會議中心、省博物館、觀山湖區萬達廣場及萬象滙購物中心,四周園景環抱,對面即是將軍山、觀山湖雙擁公園及賽點體育公園,交通便利,環境優美。很榮幸得知您和家人在貴陽恆世紀酒店度過了一段温馨、愉快的時光,同時我們也很榮幸能為您提供最優質的服務。酒店會一如既往保持高質量的環境和服務,為賓客打造非凡的居旅體驗。誠摯期待您再度光臨,祝您生活愉快!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的貴客,非常感謝您寶貴的評價【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】,很高興瞭解到您在貴陽恆世紀酒店享受到了舒適的入住體驗並再次感激您對我們同事服務的認可.貴陽恆世紀在城市中心覓得一片寧靜綠洲,將極富歷史韻味的築城風光盡收眼底。與此同時,我們致力於追求細節完美卻又不露痕跡的貼心服務,為您營造出置身於世外桃源般的入住體驗。期待您再次光臨。
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您選擇入住貴陽恆世紀酒店並與我們分享您愉快的入住體驗。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】您的認可是對我們最大的鼓舞,酒店全體同事將一如既往秉承服務至上的原則,為客人提供貼心、周到的服務。酒店健身中心配備的室內恆温泳池,為玻璃穹頂及全景落地窗設計,視野寬闊,水温適宜,十分開心小朋友能夠喜歡。再次感謝您對我們酒店的支持,期待您及家人下次光臨!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇入住貴陽恆世紀酒店並抽出寶貴的時間與我們分享您的入住體驗。因喜歡而選擇,為適合而駐留。【大堂吧季節性下午茶】【冬日閑趣.圍爐煮茶】【超多動畫主題房,小朋友超愛】【交通便利,環境優美】【距觀山湖公園2.3公里】【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】【距甲秀樓20公里】很高興您選擇我們,也很感謝您對我們的肯定。~再次感謝您的分享,期待與您的下次見面!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,非常感謝您下榻貴陽新世界酒店並在此給予我們好評。【入住享恆温泳池暢遊】,願我們的祝福像一杯清茶,滋潤您的喉嚨;像一縷陽光,照亮您的前程;像一束鮮花,讓您的人生多姿多彩!您的滿意是對我們最大的肯定,我們將繼續努力為每一位客人創造温馨、舒適的入住體驗,衷心希望在不久的將來能與您再次見面,祝您一切順利!