No.518 Tianmushan Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaVer detalhes do hotel
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Agradável e bem localizado4.8
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Yvonne Siew Yoong
Fangfei Lakeside Duplex Twin Suite
Hospedou-se em nov 2024
5 avaliação
Publicado em 16 jan 2025
Serene and good place for holiday. A butler is assigned to visitors to see to their needs.
Resposta da propriedade: 能得到您 “寧靜的度假勝地” 這一讚譽,我們倍感榮幸!為每一位客人安排管家,是希望能全方位滿足大家的需求,給您更貼心的服務。要是您在這兒還有什麼難忘的體驗,或是對我們有什麼建議,都歡迎隨時和我們分享。期待下次您來,繼續享受這份寧靜與專屬服務 。
Usuário convidado
Quarto com Vista para o Lago Fangfei
Hospedou-se em jun 2024
1 avaliação
Publicado em 9 jun 2024
**Review of 杭州十里芳菲度假村**
I recently had the pleasure of staying at 杭州十里芳菲度假村, nestled within the serene and breathtaking wetlands reservation area. The resort offers an idyllic escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil waters.
The moment we arrived, we were captivated by the natural beauty that enveloped the resort. Our room had a stunning view of the lake, and the sound of birds and rustling leaves provided a soothing background to our stay. The resort's attention to maintaining the natural environment while providing top-notch amenities truly set it apart.
One of the highlights of our stay was the 尊享旅拍服务 (exclusive travel photography service). We had the pleasure of working with the talented photographer 果果, who captured our moments beautifully. Her skill in finding the perfect spots and angles made the experience enjoyable and the results were nothing short of amazing. Both my wife and I were thrilled with the photos, which perfectly encapsulated the serene and romantic atmosphere of the resort.
The pathways around the resort were lined with bamboo and stone, leading us to various scenic spots by the lake. Whether it was a quiet morning walk or an evening spent watching the sunset, every moment felt special. The staff were incredibly friendly and attentive, ensuring that our stay was comfortable and memorable.
In conclusion, 杭州十里芳菲度假村 is a haven for nature lovers and those looking to unwind in a picturesque setting. The combination of stunning natural surroundings, excellent service, and the unique 尊享旅拍服务 by 果果 made our stay unforgettable. We look forward to returning and reliving the peaceful and rejuvenating experience.
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Resposta da propriedade: 感謝旅人的點評哦,能給您帶來愉快的體驗,我們實在太開心啦,今年的夏天沒有往年熱,來到十里芳菲一定不要錯過旅拍,淅瀝小雨的江南撐着傘等船的江南小姑娘,又或者晴空萬里躺在綉球花海的花仙子,這裏的美無需要過多修飾,衹需要一個果果老師! 嘻嘻。
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人,您好!得到您的5分滿意好評,我們太開心了。看到您對於各個方面的滿意,我們非常欣慰。我們的客房就在景區裏面,目前西溪濕地的梅花盛開,賞花正當時,您算是趕上了。為了服務好所有的客人,我們每個區域都配備了管家,會負責客人方方面面的需求,務求讓客人住的滿意和舒心,不留一點遺憾。西溪濕地一年四季各不同,歡迎下次再來體驗不一樣十里芳菲。
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的旅人感謝您選擇杭州西溪十里芳菲,看到您對十里芳菲給出這麼高的評價,我們心裏滿是感動與自豪!能在您的杭州之旅中脱穎而出,成為最滿意的一站,這是對我們最大的褒獎。濕地公園的景色、周到熱情的服務、豐富的親子活動還有寬敞舒適的房間,能得到您的認可,我們超開心!沒能讓您和孩子們多住幾天,實在有點遺憾。小劉管家收到您的特別表揚,激動得不行,説下次一定給你們安排更精彩的體驗!期待您下次帶着孩子再來,多住幾天,把上次的遺憾補上,我們隨時準備好迎接你們!
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的朋友,看到您這麼賣力為十里芳菲 “打廣告”,我們真的感動到不行!能讓您的入住體驗堪稱完美,那我們所有的努力都值啦!乘船而入的夢幻開場,貼心的蕊蕊管家,還有豐富多樣的早餐,這些能得到您的肯定,我們別提多開心了。您下次度假,十里芳菲一定早早做好準備,給您安排一場更精彩的夢幻之旅,繼續書寫屬於我們的美好故事!
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的旅人感謝您選擇杭州西溪十里芳菲,非常感謝您給出這麼走心的好評啦!能讓您感受到賓至如歸,我們打心底裏高興。子雯能得到您的認可,也特別有成就感 ,已經給她加雞腿啦!民宿周邊的好風景和便利交通,就盼着能給大家帶來更多度假的快樂。真心期待您下次還來,我們一定把快樂和舒適延續到底!
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的旅人感謝您選擇十里芳菲,能得到您的認可,我們太開心啦!給您免費升級房型,就是希望能讓一家人住得更方便,讓這次親子出遊順順利利 。進出乘船的獨特體驗,能幫孩子和長者感受江南水鄉的日常,這也是我們一直想做到的。小劉管家知道您誇他,別提多高興了,説下次一定更用心!以後有出遊計劃,就來十里芳菲,我們隨時準備好迎接你們!
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的旅人感謝您選擇杭州西溪十里芳菲,看到您的評價,我們滿心都是歡喜!能幫您在十里芳菲尋回久違的寧靜,遠離喧囂迴歸自然,這就是我們最想看到的。蕊蕊管家得知自己的熱情服務被您點贊,心裏別提多高興了。豐盛的早餐、多彩的活動,還有整潔優美的村落,都是我們為您打造完美假期的小心思,能得到您的認可太有成就感啦!期待您再次光臨,我們一定為您準備一場更難忘的度假之旅!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的旅人,能為您和家人帶來這麼棒的度假體驗,我們特別欣慰!工作日的西溪濕地,幽靜的環境讓您心情愉悦,國風旅拍、Spa 按摩、偶遇梅花鹿,豐富的活動沒讓你們無聊,這都是我們最想看到的。皮皮管家得知您的誇讚,開心得不得了,説下次一定給您安排更精彩的行程。等您下次再來,十里芳菲還會準備更多驚喜,就盼着和你們重逢!