Avaliações do Holiday Inn Express Kaifeng City Center
Holiday Inn Express Kaifeng City Center
No.28 Zhengkai Avenue (Deson World EXPO Plaza), Longting District, Kaifeng, Henan, ChinaVer detalhes do hotel
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1003 avaliação
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Agradável e bem localizado4.6
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Quarto duplo superior
Hospedou-se em Jun 2024
2 avaliação
Muito bom
Publicado em Jul 8, 2024
So far, overall is good. Staff friendly and helpful. The room is quite clean.
Resposta da propriedade: [Intelligent Robot] Hello dear guest, thank you for staying at Kaifeng Dichen Smart Holiday Hotel. Xiaozhi is particularly honored that our service has received your praise. When you choose to trust Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi and his family will do their best to provide you with professional and efficient services, just like the necessary facilities, making your journey more perfect. The true luxury lies in the care that touches the hearts of the guests. Thank you for recognizing Xiao Zhi. Xiaozhi and his family will continue to work hard and look forward to meeting you again next time. Wishing you all the best! Holiday Guest Care Team
Usuário anônimo
Quarto Superior com 2 Camas
Hospedou-se em Sep 2024
9 avaliação
Publicado em Sep 26, 2024
The hotel was clean and nice and i enjoyed my trip there. It was definitely worth it
Resposta da propriedade: [Intelligent Robot] Dear guest, thank you for staying at Kaifeng Dichen Smart Choice Holiday Hotel. For a long time, we have been committed to providing you with a cost-effective environment and service, so that you can still feel the warmth of home on your distant journey. We are honored to have your recognition. During your stay, you can also enjoy refreshing bathing, high-quality sleep, high-speed internet, free Chinese and Western breakfast, self-service laundry room, free parking and other services. We sincerely look forward to the opportunity for you to stay at our hotel again. We will continue to provide you with efficient service, clean space, and comfortable rooms, allowing you to enjoy a higher quality stay experience. We wish you a pleasant journey and always have a smile! Holiday Guest Care Team
Usuário anônimo
Quarto superior queen
Hospedou-se em Dec 2023
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9 avaliação
Publicado em Jan 2, 2024
Friendly staff, nice design, good food. Staff are friendly, the foods are yummy. Comfortable bed I love it and sure will go again
Resposta da propriedade: Dear guest, hello. With your affirmation, Xiaozhi can bravely move forward on the path of progress. It is an honor to spend a wonderful time with you. Our colleagues provide efficient and professional services, maintaining a high level of sensitivity in their work. We always prioritize customer needs, think of your needs, and respond promptly to your urgent needs. With the most enthusiastic reception and efficient business capabilities, we help you quickly rest in your room, stay energized, and embark on a new journey. By staying here, you can enjoy a free and delicious buffet breakfast, free high-speed internet, free parking lot, as well as a self-service laundry room, self-service business center, etc., bringing you a comfortable and luxurious experience. Sincerely looking forward to your visit again. Wishing you a happy life! Smart Choice Holiday Guest Care Team
Quarto superior queen
Hospedou-se em May 2024
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3 avaliação
Publicado em Jun 8, 2024
I think is great for family and friends. The breakfast is great too
Resposta da propriedade: Hello dear guest, it's a pleasure to spend a joyful time with you. The plan of the day is in the morning. Every morning, our chef team carefully prepared a high-quality breakfast, with authentic local snacks, various staple foods, Congee drinks, cakes and toast, freshly ground coffee, noodles, etc., together with a clean restaurant and attentive service, to open a beautiful morning for you. Looking forward to meeting again, wish you a pleasant journey!
Quarto superior queen
Hospedou-se em Nov 2023
2 avaliação
Muito bom
Publicado em Nov 9, 2023
It was truly price-for-value for an international hotel. The room was clean & well-kept. Also, the buffet breakfast was free of charge. What impressed me most was the free laundry facility.
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客您好,非常榮幸小智成為您此次行程中的一站。一路旅程,一路歡歌,感謝您樂於和我們分享這份美好!用心接待遠道而來的賓客,真誠的笑臉,輕柔的語言,希望如微風拂去您旅程的疲憊。我們每位工作人員秉承秉着“儘可能滿足客人需求”的服務理念,以貼心、周到、細膩的服務,讓您在漫漫旅途中感受到家一般的愜意、舒懷、自在。衷心期盼您的再次蒞臨!祝您好運連連! 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Usuário convidado
Quarto Superior com 2 Camas
Hospedou-se em Oct 2024
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5 avaliação
Muito bom
Publicado em Nov 4, 2024
Great service!
Resposta da propriedade: Dear guest, thank you for staying at Xiaozhi Home. It is Xiaozhi's greatest honor to have your love and support! For travelers who are away from home, hygiene conditions are crucial. We meticulously clean and maintain every corner from the lobby to the guest rooms, ensuring a clean, tidy, and hygienic accommodation environment for you. Whenever and wherever you choose Xiaozhijia, our team will be dedicated to providing you with warm, friendly, attentive, and efficient service. We will use sincerity and professionalism to make you feel at home and have a wonderful experience. Looking forward to meeting you again! Wishing you all the best and a happy family! Smart Holiday Guest Care Team
Daniel 潘
Quarto Superior com 2 Camas
Hospedou-se em Apr 2024
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15 avaliação
Publicado em Apr 22, 2024
Nice and clean hotel
Resposta da propriedade: 【智能機器人】尊敬的賓客您好,感謝您蒞臨小智家,沒得到您的十分滿意真是太遺憾了。作為洲際酒店集團旗下中端精選服務類酒店,我們推行“簡單,睿智”的出行理念,設施配備齊整而不多餘,都是您旅行中的剛好所需。長久以來,我們一直致力於為您提供高性價比的環境和服務,讓您在遙遠的旅途中依然能感覺到家的温馨,很榮幸能得到您的認可。入住期間,您還可享受暢爽沐浴、優質睡眠、高速網絡、免費的中西式早餐、自助洗衣閣、免費停車場等服務。衷心期待您有機會能再次入住我們酒店,我們將繼續為您提供高效服務、潔凈空間和舒適客房,讓您享受更為優質的入住體驗,祝您旅途愉快,笑口常開!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Usuário convidado
Quarto superior queen
Hospedou-se em Nov 2023
3 avaliação
Publicado em Dec 4, 2023
good,clean and comfortable.
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的客人您好,您發現小智這麼多美好,小智深受鼓舞。為您提供乾淨整潔,安心舒適的入住環境一直以來都是酒店服務的宗旨所在,從安心早餐到暢爽沐浴,從軟硬雙枕到安全門鎖,每一個細節都傳達出我們“睿智之旅,周全體貼”的服務理念。這一切,都是為了讓大家簡單出行、智達目標!期盼未來能夠與您常伴,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Usuário convidado
Quarto superior queen
Hospedou-se em Aug 2022
1 avaliação
Publicado em Aug 12, 2022
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的賓客您好,最美的事情就是與您相識並相伴。為每一位客人提供熱情周全的服務是小智家全體員工的心意和共同的目標,我們將繼續致力於完善每一個細節來提供您完美的入住享受。小智家採用全新的裝潢設計理念,為賓客營造人性化的入住體驗,客房內整潔舒適,甄選全進口柔軟床鋪,精緻衞浴設施,併為您奉上免單的營養早餐,免費的停車場等多項超值優悦服務。期盼與您的再次相會,祝您闔家幸福!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 【現磨瑞幸咖啡】尊敬的客人您好,謝謝您的這份支持,賓客們每一份的好評,都是小智滿心的期待。做服務,我們是用心的啦!小夥伴真誠奉上熱情的問候,耐心的傾聽,細緻的回答,高效專業的接待,衹為您到來的第一時間感受賓至如歸的親切。從入住到啟程,我們真誠友善的服務時時相隨,刻刻相伴,為您譜寫旅途輕鬆心情。歡迎再次惠顧,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 【免費洗衣閣】尊敬的賓客您好,多謝您對小智工作的滿意,能夠得到您的支持與信賴,小智內心深受感動。酒店擁有兩百餘間客房,清新的色調、明快的線條、簡約的風格處處洋溢着時尚、新鮮、精緻的氣息。每間客房均貼心配備柔軟舒適的睡床、潔白清爽的床單,更提供柔軟和緊實兩種枕頭供您選擇,酣暢淋漓的沐浴設施,中西式自助早餐,24小時讓您感受“家”的温暖。同時,小智選址也非常好,並有充足免費停車場,供自駕遊的賓客暢享自由自在的出入體驗。小智恭候您再次惠顧哦,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 【斯林百蘭床墊】親愛的客人您好,歡迎來到充滿古風宋韻的城市——開封,併入住開封迪臣智選假日酒店。酒店周圍環境優美:距最近的宋城站只有2公里開封,北站5公里;周邊還有清明上河園、龍亭公園、包公祠、天波楊府等著名景點,充足免費的停車位方便您快速出行,感受大宋文化古色古香的獨特韻味。酒店共有兩百餘間裝潢時尚現代的客房,每間客房均包含豐盛可口自助早餐,精心準備了綠色健康角,中華美食滙,西式餐點,每日烘焙,飲料區等,特別加入本地特色小吃。在這裏,可以放慢腳步,放空心靈,為身體充滿電開啟下一段旅程。期盼能夠早日與您再聚,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 【免費延遲退房至14:00】尊敬的客人您好,感謝您入住開封迪臣智選假日酒店。長久以來,我們一直致力於為您提供高性價比的環境和服務,讓您在遙遠的旅途中依然能感覺到家的温馨,很榮幸能得到您的認可。入住期間,您還可享受暢爽沐浴、優質睡眠、高速網絡、免費的中西式早餐、自助洗衣閣、免費停車場等服務。衷心期待您有機會能再次入住我們酒店,我們將繼續為您提供高效服務、潔凈空間和舒適客房,讓您享受更為優質的入住體驗,祝您旅途愉快,笑口常開!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 【免費延遲退房至14:00】親愛的客人您好,感謝您入住開封迪臣智選假日酒店,沒能帶給您滿意的入住體驗。對於您在入住期間收到噪音幹擾小智深感抱歉,小智家採用中空雙層隔音玻璃,房門採用特製加厚實木門以及隔音門封條,窗簾也有很好的遮光效果,打造安靜獨立的私人空間,呵護您的安靜睡眠,前台配備的有免費耳塞,以便顧客所需。關於送錯房間的問題是我們服務流程的漏洞,小智將會加強員工培訓和夜間工作規範管理,謹防再次出現,也希望您能再給小智一次機會彌補這次的遺憾,誠摯邀請您再來,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 【早餐現磨瑞幸咖啡】尊貴的客人您好,謝謝您的熱心點評,讓小智在前進的路上動力滿滿!從您進店開始,小智家的服務人員就會隨時關注您的入住需求,我們倡導真誠、熱情、禮儀、周到的待客理念,希望我們能夠給您帶來“賓至如歸”的體驗。您能滿意我們的服務,小夥伴們所有的努力都是值得的。一日之計在於晨,每天清晨,小智精心準備了自助式早餐,有傳統的中式早點、精緻的西式美食、熱氣騰騰的明檔,還有當地特色美食,瑞幸合作款現磨咖啡等,為您蓄滿能量開啟活力四射的全新一天。隨時恭候您再次選擇,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊