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827 avaliação
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Agradável e bem localizado4.7
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Usuário convidado
Quarto deluxe individual
Hospedou-se em out 2024
3 avaliação
Publicado em 11 out 2024
Very nice hotel just across the street from the rebuilt ancient city and mosque. Big room, nice view. Breakfast is included and is mostly chinese breakfast items. Reception struggled with English but we used translation app with some ( limited) success—tgey were super friendly and really tried to please. Hotel works perfectly so don’t need a lot of communication. I would stay there again!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客您好,您一天的旅途奔波辛苦啦,我們天緣商務酒店能讓您感覺到舒心真是好開心哦!感謝您一如既往的支持我們天緣酒店,夥伴們真的是又感動又欣喜,酒店位於喀什市中心人民東路8號,緊鄰人民公園。距離古城五A景區步行十分鐘,距離汗巴扎民族特色美食一條街步行八分鐘。交通極為便利,距離喀什機場30分鐘車程、距離喀什火車站15分鐘車程。期待再次為您服務。
Sixth Floor Sleep Studio
Hospedou-se em jun 2024
11 avaliação
Publicado em 8 jun 2024
The location is just outside one of the Ancient City entrance. My day tour pick up point is at the hotel. There is a 24hrs beef noodle just below the hotel which is not bad.
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客:感謝您的反饋,天緣人一直堅持用專業用心的服務迎接大家們,熱烈歡迎哦!
Quarto deluxe individual
Hospedou-se em mai 2024
43 avaliação
Publicado em 30 mai 2024
Convenient location, massive room, I loved it.
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客:感謝您的認可,天緣人一直堅持用專業用心的服務迎接大家們,熱烈歡迎哦!
Sleep Twin Room
Hospedou-se em jul 2022
Viaje com amigos
7 avaliação
Publicado em 25 jul 2022
Fantastic location just few minutes away from old town.
Very helpful reception have us a nice map of Kashgar using which we could easily find all the interesting spots.
Parking was a little confusing, as the security didnt let us in from main road and we had to make a large loop around the block to enter from the side street. Parking is however free of charge and once you find entrance you can park directly in front of the hotel actually - very convenient.
There are few small stores at the GF, including one with some %% , which is also very convenient as those are not so easy to find.
Resposta da propriedade: Dear customer, thank you very much for choosing The Business Inn in Kashgar Tianyuan.Thank you for sharing this check-in with you.I look forward to seeing you again.
Sleep Twin Room
Hospedou-se em jul 2022
14 avaliação
Publicado em 10 jul 2022
The staff were all helpful, friendly and very welcoming. The room was clean & comfortable. Good location across from the entrance to the old town. Recommended.
Resposta da propriedade: Thank you very much for your affirmation and five-star praise. Welcome you and your friends to come again. Welcome all international friends to Grand Mekashi!
Usuário convidado
Sleep Twin Room
Hospedou-se em mai 2022
9 avaliação
Publicado em 18 mai 2022
Got back to Kashgar after traveling around in the region …I really enjoyed it! And always nice if a familiar hotel and staff are there ready to help you settle comfortably… I stayed in this hotel before. Friendly helpful staff! And a great location right next to the peoples square with a statue of chairman Mao overlooking looking the peoples square and park.. A short and pleasant walking distance to the old town and other attractions.. easy to get taxis and public transport. A big warm hug 🤗 to all the staff for their help and friendliness… big smiles and happy faces… and costumer care!
Resposta da propriedade: Welcome to Xinjiang's most beautiful Kashgar. Thank you very much for your comments.I'm glad you chose Kashgar Open Source The Business Inn.Thank you very much for your satisfaction with our service. I look forward to seeing you again
Sleep Twin Room
Hospedou-se em abr 2022
18 avaliação
Publicado em 2 mai 2022
The hotel is a bit in his hay days when it comes to the interior. The location is perfect situated next to old town. Breakfast is provided in the restaurant next to the hotel. Although tasty I would prefer more options.
Resposta da propriedade: 醉美喀什,大美新疆!尊敬的賓客,您好!您對喀什天緣商務酒店的住宿經歷評論讓我們十分開心~我們知道正是點點滴滴的細節讓您的住宿體驗更加舒適,當然還有我們便捷的地理位置和簡約的室內設計。非常感謝您對我們的誇口讚譽,希望在不久的將來有機會為您奉上更好的服務哦。
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客官,非常感謝您百忙之中為我們天緣商務酒店給的評價,很遺憾這次酒店餐飲在服務上沒有達到您的期望,請接受我們誠摯的道歉,您的反饋對我們十分寶貴,我們已經藉此機會重新審視服務標準,希望下次新疆喀什之行能再次選擇我們酒店,以便我們又有機會為您提供高水準的設施和服務。期待您在不久的將來再次入住喀什天緣商務酒店!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客:您好,感謝您的反饋和支持,喀什天緣商務酒店是一家四星級商務酒店,位於喀什市中心人民東路8號,緊鄰人民公園。距離古城五A景區步行十分鐘,距離汗巴扎民族特色美食一條街步行八分鐘。交通極為便利,距離喀什機場30分鐘車程、距離喀什火車站20分鐘車程。您提到的自助洗衣房設施,我們已彙報管理層,計劃今年進行整體升級改造一併解決,為您提供高質量服務,是我們應盡的責任,期待再次為您服務。
Resposta da propriedade: 大美新疆,醉美喀什。尊敬的客官,非常感謝您百忙之中為我們天緣商務酒店給的評價,很遺憾這次酒店在服務上沒有達到您的期望,請接受我們誠摯的道歉,您的反饋對我們十分寶貴,我們已經藉此機會重新審視服務標準,希望下次新疆喀什之行能再次選擇我們酒店,以便我們又有機會為您提供高水準的設施和服務。期待您在不久的將來再次入住天緣酒店!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客:您好!感謝您的反饋,大美新疆,醉美喀什!感謝您將喀什天緣商務酒店作為您此次出行的下榻之所。在此得知能夠讓您的此次入住感到滿意,我們深感榮幸!再次感謝您的信任及支持!新疆天緣航旅有限責任公司是集酒店、機場貴賓、文化旅遊、航空食品為一體的綜合性文旅企業,旗下“天緣”酒店品牌是新疆最大的自營連鎖酒店品牌,公司以“規模化運營、區域化管理、專業化保障、智慧化發展”為發展目標,構建”航空+”全流程服務網絡格局,期待再次為您服務。
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您光臨下榻天緣商務酒店並給予我們充滿讚譽的點評。非常高興您的喀什之行選擇我們陪您一同度過,也非常高興我們的設施及服務能夠讓您感到滿意。讓您在酒店度過舒適、愜意的時光,我們倍感欣慰與欣喜。感謝您對我們工作的鼓勵及支持,我們會在服務上不斷創新,為每一位到店客人提供更加優質的服務,在今後的工作中我們將會更加努力,為顧客營造"家"一般温馨的氛圍!喀什天緣商務酒店期待再次為您服務!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客官,非常感謝您的評價,很遺憾這次酒店在煙味上沒有達到您的期望,請接受我們誠摯的道歉,您的反饋對我們十分寶貴,我們已經着手排查原因並消除煙味。酒店管理層正在計劃今年進行整體升級改造,改善客房環境,希望下次新疆喀什之行能再次選擇我們酒店,以便我們又有機會為您提供高水準的設施和服務。期待您在不久的將來再次入住喀什天緣商務酒店!