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754 avaliação
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Agradável e bem localizado4.7
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Quarto Padrão Selecionado(cama de casal)
Hospedou-se em ago 2024
20 avaliação
Publicado em 28 set 2024
The Good Points:
The young lady at reception for check-in was lovely -Polite, smiling, efficient and a pleasure to deal with - She is an absolute credit to the hotel 👍
The bedrooms are large
The shower in the bathroom was very good 👍
The breakfast was ok 👍
Close to lots of local restaurants 👍
The Bad Points:
The hotel is quite old and worn now with things you notice such as carpets dirty, things generally broken etc.
I was stood in the looby searching for a shopping mall on my phone map, and was approached by 2 (a man and a woman) hotel management staff to offer help - When it got too difficult for them to help, they gave up and just walked off 🤷♂️ - These 2 members of staff have almost zero understanding of customer service
The Worst Point:
You could suffocate to death in this hotel - There is no air conditioning in the corridors and the air conditioning in the rooms does not cool the room - When I put the air conditioning on in my room the room temperature was 24 degrees, I set the air conditioning to cooling and 16 degrees as it was so hot, but the room temperature increased to 25 degrees 🤦♂️
The hotel lobby was unbearable because of the heat and lack of air - In the morning after breakfast in the lobby restaurant, I was so hot I had to take a 2nd shower to cool off.
Of the 2 lifts in the hotel, 1 had working air conditioning, so I used to ride the lift to cool down!
Because of the heat in my bedroom, I could not sleep well and consequently had a tough day at work as I was tired
My colleague had the same complaints about the hotel and his bedroom
Staying in this hotel is very uncomfortable and unhealthy because of the heat and poor air conditioning - You will not get a good rest staying in this hotel
Resposta da propriedade: Dear Guest, First of all, we would like to thank you for your kind comments about the front desk service, spacious rooms, refreshing shower and delicious breakfast. However, we apologize for any inconvenience caused to us during your stay. In terms of facilities, we will speed up the maintenance and updating of equipment to provide our guests with a more comfortable stay. In terms of service, we will strengthen the training of our staff to better serve our guests. In terms of air-conditioning, we will arrange for staff to conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure that the air-conditioning units are working properly and are able to provide sufficient coolness in hot weather to provide you with a comfortable and quiet rest and sleep environment. In addition, if you encounter any problems during your stay, please feel free to contact the front desk and we will be happy to serve you. We appreciate your feedback and will seriously consider and improve our services. Thank you again for choosing to stay at our hotel and we look forward to providing you with a better experience in the future.Best regards,IHG Social Listening Team
Quarto standard (2 Beds)
Hospedou-se em nov 2023
30 avaliação
Muito bom
Publicado em 13 dez 2023
Extended again - extremely helpful and friendly staff helped us to make our chaotic, twice extended business trip as convenient as possible! Anytime we`d chose to stay here again - big thanks!
Resposta da propriedade: Dear Guest, Thank you very much for your review of our hotel. We are happy to hear that you were satisfied with your stay with us. Positive guest experience is something that our staff takes pride in and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our front desk and we will do our best to help you. We look forward to seeing you again. Have a great day !Sincerely, IHG Social Listening Team
Quarto Padrão Selecionado(cama de casal)
Hospedou-se em mai 2024
17 avaliação
Publicado em 24 jun 2024
Good location
Resposta da propriedade: Dear guest, Thank you for staying at our hotel, we are very pleased to hear that you enjoyed your stay and took full advantage of our convenient location. We want our customers to feel more relaxed whether they are working or traveling.Sincerely,IHG Social Listening Team
Usuário convidado
Quarto standard (2 Beds)
Hospedou-se em nov 2024
5 avaliação
Publicado em 25 dez 2024
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的客人您好,十分感謝您對上海中茂世紀智選假日酒店的支持與肯定,感謝您我們服務工作的肯定,讓小智備受鼓舞!酒店地處嘉定區滙源路,周邊餐飲、購物、休閑、娛樂場所一應俱全,周邊大都是國際企業園區,酒店提供至嘉定工業園區班車,地鐵站班車,嘉定城區免費班車等便捷服務,是您商旅出行的便捷之選。真誠的期待您的再次蒞臨,祝您工作順利!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Usuário convidado
Quarto standard (2 Beds)
Hospedou-se em nov 2024
24 avaliação
Publicado em 21 dez 2024
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您好評與支持,小智最大的幸福莫過於付出得到了賓客的認可,我們將繼續保持高品質的服務、優秀的對客標準,竭力為每一位客人打造舒適温馨的入住環境。我們精心打造温馨舒適的客房,嶄新優雅,軟硬設施皆好,客房內貼心配置的睡床、智能設計的淋浴系統、精智的電子設備,還有全覆蓋的高速網絡等,恰到好處地滿足簡捷高效、舒適省心的入住需求。期待再次迎來您蒞臨,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,感謝您下榻上海中茂世紀智選假日酒店並給予我們服務,衞生,早餐,睡眠體驗等諸多方面的認可。作為一家誠信至上的酒店,我們始終秉持環境整潔是根本,優質服務是宗旨。為了您入住更安心,酒店除了整體的乾淨,我們還擁有全球標準、百項檢測,配備國際門禁系統,高效滅菌,帶給您365天無微不至的用心。 小智重視客人的睡眠品質,在床墊選擇方面,嚴格的品牌控制,與假日酒店同一品牌標準;配上軟硬雙枕、羽絨被褥、棉織品等優質床品;再加上安靜又可靠的客房環境,呵護您一夜好眠到天明。期盼與您的再次相逢,祝您旅途愉快!闔家歡樂!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,衷心感謝您在百忙之中與小智分享這份寶貴的點評。酒店位於嘉定區滙源路,周邊餐飲、購物、休閑、娛樂場所一應俱全;駕車自酒店出發至法華塔、孔廟、州橋老街、南翔古漪園等景點都很方便。此外,酒店每天早晚提供周邊企業辦公地的班車,晚間更有直達城區休閑、購物的班車(詳情可諮詢酒店前台);酒店門口工業區大巴每天早晚高峯期20分鐘一班,輕鬆抵達地鐵11號線。衷心期待您再次蒞臨,祝您一切順心!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,非常感謝您的讚揚,看到這裏小智真是暖意滿滿,很高興我們的服務,環境,設施和位置得到了您的滿意。天空因雲朵而美麗,山川因河流而美麗,花朵因綠葉而美麗,生活因為有你而美麗,感謝您對上海中茂世紀智選的信賴,更感謝您的不吝誇獎。我們將秉承“盡您所想,盡我所能”的服務理念,服務好每一位遠道而來的家人,也期待與您再次相聚,祝您天天開心,事事順心。智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊貴的賓客您好,感謝您入住上海中茂世紀智選假日酒店,您一句肯定就是小智最大的收穫。酒店位於嘉定區滙源路,周邊餐飲、購物、休閑、娛樂場所一應俱全;酒店還提供至嘉定工業園區班車,地鐵站班車,嘉定城區免費班車等便捷服務。讓您的出行更加輕鬆自在。酒店精心打造時尚簡約的各類客房,屋內設施配備齊整,高清電視、沙發、保險箱、充足的電源插座和辦公寫字枱,併為您提供24小時熱水淋浴,免費高速網絡以及軟硬兩種羽絨枕頭、舒適的國際品牌護脊床墊滿足您的不同睡眠需求。一日之計在於晨,一頓豐盛而美味的早餐對於開始新一天的重要性,我們不僅注重食材質量,更在細節上下功夫,為您補充滿滿的能量。期盼下次能再次與您相聚,祝您生活愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Usuário convidado
Quarto Padrão Selecionado(cama de casal)
Hospedou-se em set 2024
3 avaliação
Publicado em 23 out 2024
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的客人您好,多謝有您的支持與熱心點評,使小智平淡的日子更添精彩。乾淨整潔的房間內進口床墊、軟硬雙枕、羽絨被褥等優質床品呵護您一夜好夢;液晶電視,全覆蓋的高速網絡助您即刻與世界連線;數量充足的充電插座,滿足一人多台移動設備的需求;品牌衞浴,恆温花灑快速出水,帶來一場酣暢淋漓的沐浴。房間採用中空雙層隔音玻璃,特製加厚實木門,隔音門封條等措施,入住環境安靜宜人。一日之計在於晨,一頓豐盛而美味的早餐對於開始新一天的重要性,我們不僅注重食材質量,更在細節上下功夫,為您補充滿滿的能量。隨時恭候您的再次到來。祝您一切順心。 智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,歡迎您入住小智家,看起來您對此次旅途非常滿意,字裡行間都透露着愉快的心情呢。小智會細緻的做好每一個服務環節,不辜負您對酒店寄予的厚望。我們精心準備了整潔舒適的客房,各種配套設施齊全,優質專業的服務,乾淨整潔的環境,營養美味的早餐,以及歡迎水果使旅途奔波的賓客們能夠感受家的温馨。還提供自助洗衣閣、商務中心、免費早餐、免費停車場、健身室等增值服務,讓您心情愉悦,入住超乎期待!小智隨時期盼您再來,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Usuário convidado
Quarto Padrão Selecionado(cama de casal)
Hospedou-se em out 2024
1 avaliação
Publicado em 6 nov 2024
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,歡迎您入住小智家,看起來您對此次旅途非常滿意,字裡行間都透露着愉快的心情呢。小智會細緻的做好每一個服務環節,不辜負您對酒店寄予的厚望。我們精心準備了整潔舒適的客房,各種配套設施齊全,優質專業的服務,乾淨整潔的環境,營養美味的早餐,以及歡迎水果使旅途奔波的賓客們能夠感受家的温馨。還提供自助洗衣閣、商務中心、免費早餐、免費停車場、健身室等增值服務,讓您心情愉悦,入住超乎期待!小智隨時期盼您再來,祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,非常感謝您對小智五星好評,能為您帶來一次愉悦的入住體驗,小智非常榮幸!我們力求為每位賓客提供真誠、用心的服務,願您旅途中的身體和心靈能得到充分的休憩,在您入住期間有任何問題都可以隨時聯繫我們,我們將竭誠為您服務。酒店位於嘉定區滙源路,周邊餐飲、購物、休閑、娛樂場所一應俱全;酒店還提供至嘉定工業園區班車,地鐵站班車,嘉定城區免費班車等便捷服務。讓您的出行更加輕鬆自在。歡迎您下次再來。祝您萬事順遂!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人您好,非常感謝您入住上海中茂世紀智選假日酒店,並給予酒店衞生等方面的認可。同時也感謝您對酒店整體裝修的良好建議,小智也會加快步伐,與時俱進,不斷完善和提升軟硬設施,為賓客帶來更為時尚現代化的精緻設施。再次感謝您寶貴的意見,您的反饋是我們不斷自我完善道路上最有利的幫助,熱忱邀請您再次入住!祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊
Resposta da propriedade: 親愛的客人您好, 小智感謝您對我們酒店一如既往的選擇,也謝謝於百忙之中抽空留下的體驗分享。感謝您的反饋,之後我們一定會加強對酒店的硬件設施檢修維護,同時我們也一定會更加關注智選早餐的出品。沒有給您帶來完美的入住體驗我們深感抱歉。賓客的滿意是我們永遠的追求,感謝您對智選假日的支持,期待您的再次蒞臨!祝您旅途愉快!智選假日賓客關懷團隊