Avaliações do Xinyuan Garden Villa · Vacation Homestay (Wuyuan High-speed Railway Station Branch)
Xinyuan Garden Villa · Vacation Homestay (Wuyuan High-speed Railway Station Branch)
Room 001, Building 17, Hongcheng No.1 Garden, No. 9 Wenbo Road, County Town Street, Wuyuan, Jiangxi, China, Wuyuan, Jiangxi, ChinaVer detalhes do hotel
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120 avaliação
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The owner provides pick-up service from the high-speed rail station, and provides detailed guidance on Wuyuan City tourism. The accommodation is comfortable.
Resposta da propriedade: Your satisfaction is our pursuit. Every time we see your satisfied smile, the joy in our hearts is indescribable. This smile is the greatest motivation for our work and also the greatest motivation for us to strive to improve the quality of our services!
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Phyllis Wong KY
Qingxin Double Bed Room + Leisure Couch + Projector Audio-Visual
Hospedou-se em dez 2024
12 avaliação
Publicado em 20 dez 2024
An excellent stay at Wuyuan, nice host helpful . Clean room and good environment.
Resposta da propriedade: Your satisfaction is our pursuit. Every time we see your satisfied smile, the joy in our hearts is indescribable. This smile is the greatest motivation for our work and also the greatest motivation for us to strive to improve the quality of our services!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您選擇我們的民宿,並給予如此高的評價!您細緻的反饋,對我們而言是極為寶貴的肯定與鼓勵。民宿在裝修上,一直秉持着營造清新質樸氛圍的理念,很高興能契合您的喜好,為您帶來舒適的居住感受。工作人員熱情接待並提供貼心服務,是我們服務體系中的重要一環,能讓您在入住期間感受到關懷備至,我們深感榮幸。我們會始終堅持以客人需求為導向,持續優化環境與服務細節,致力於為每一位客人打造卓越的住宿體驗。衷心期待您的再次光臨,我們將竭誠為您服務!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的客人,看到您洋洋灑灑的長篇評價,我們的內心滿是感動,真的特別感謝您如此用心地分享在馨院民宿的體驗!我們民宿新裝修不久,房間和設施都保持着乾淨整潔的狀態,就是希望能給每一位像您這樣的客人帶來舒適的居住感受。除了基礎的舒適體驗,我們還設有泳池,等夏天來臨,熱忱歡迎您來暢快暢遊,感受清涼與愜意;天台也是民宿的一大特色,在那裡泡上一壺香茗,靜賞周邊風景,別提多悠然自在了。您的認可對我們來説意義重大,您提到下次還會選擇入住,這不僅是對我們最大的肯定,更讓我們滿心期待與您的再次相逢。屆時,我們定會以更貼心的服務,讓您的再次光臨更加難忘!
Resposta da propriedade: 誠摯感謝您對我們服務的細緻反饋!為賓客提供舒心旅居體驗是我們始終秉持的服務宗旨,特別榮幸能為隨行長輩妥善安排一樓客房,讓您的家庭出行更添便利。專屬接站服務及篁嶺行程交通協調是我們的特色增值服務,能為您省去出行顧慮令我們倍感欣慰。小院景觀與客房香氛設計均出自主理人的匠心打理,力求營造"推窗見景、入户盈香"的沉浸式度假體驗。您的滿意是對我們莫大的鼓舞,期待在下一個花開時節與您重逢婺源,祝您及家人生活順遂,平安喜樂!
Resposta da propriedade: 感謝您的入住與好評!能得到您的認可,我們由衷地開心。我們一直致力於打造清幽宜人的居住環境,從精心佈置的優美院子,到乾淨整潔、設施齊全且佈置温馨的房間,每一處都飽含着我們的用心。民宿老闆熱情好客,也是希望能讓每一位客人都有賓至如歸的感覺。您的滿意是我們前進的動力,期待您再次下榻,我們一定為您帶來更優質的體驗!
Yuan Dai Room (with Projector Audio-Visual, Leisure Couch, Zero Gravity Mattress, Comfortable Sleep Quality)