Times Poly Central Plaza, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, Guangdong, ChinaVer detalhes do hotel
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293 avaliação
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Agradável e bem localizado4.8
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Quarto Deluxe com 2 camas
Hospedou-se em jun 2023
7 avaliação
Publicado em 24 jun 2023
It is not a hotel but a serviced apartment in an office block: The name Kerry Bay Hotel is not shown even at the entrance f the building, we could only tried to get in and go up to see if there is a reception. The lobby and corridor had no air conditioning, we managed to check in at a some room at a corner with a signage at its door. The lady took us to another floor where it appeared to be unoccupied and still undergoing renovation, some rooms are unfurnished. The room was clean and facilities were ok, but there is no washing machine (as told, the rooms either have fridge or washing machine?!). The cleaning lady replenished the basic stuff and clean the kitchenette quite well.
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的港澳同胞: 您好!非常感謝您與我們分享了您的入住感受並給我們的工作提出了寶貴的意見和建議!我們已經及時作出改進,此次沒能給您留下完美回憶,期待下次能夠全都補上 (要給機會呀!)我們在努力,期待您下次光臨!
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的攜程貴賓您好!您反饋的問題,我們工作人員第一時間去所有的房間檢查,也及時做出了整改和處理,感謝您提出寶貴的意見,對我們很大的幫助,此次沒給您帶來最佳的入住體驗感,相信我們會把硬件設施和服務做的更好!祝您旅途愉快!(您加了我們的客服微信,在您入住期間沒有收到您的反映問題啊,我們的維修師傅24小時待命,有什麼問題馬上也會處理好)
Usuário convidado
Quarto deluxe duplo
Hospedou-se em jul 2024
Viaje com amigos
1 avaliação
Publicado em 15 jul 2024
Resposta da propriedade: 尊敬的賓客:您好!非常感謝您對酒店的支持和各方面的認可,看到您的滿意和肯定,我們真的是非常感動,凱瑞灣會繼續努力,時刻準備着,歡迎您的隨時回來。